Coronavirus times.


A big shout out to everyone looking after each other! Who knew we could be so thoughtful staying at home?

I am writing this in what is hopefully the final weeks of the lockdown. My FOMO (fear of missing out) has been completely abated knowing that everyone is missing out, phew. However, in the last couple of days it’s been replaced with FONGATHJD (fear of not getting all the household jobs done).

So here am I, rocking my Covid19, Self-styled hair, still looking at the skirting board that still needs painting, still thinking about washing my lampshades (never gonna happen), I still haven’t done a Joe Wicks, and still not created that stunning piece of art for Grayson Perry. *sigh.

Joe Wicks

I have however, drunk and eaten…. Why is it that the world of food has totally dominated the household? I wonder if the initial food supplies issues have triggered everyone subtly to have their cupboards stocked for the just in case. It seems what took 20 mins in the past has been replaced with hours. Hours of shopping, prepping, cooking, eating, only to be done all over again in another couple of hours.

I think that’s most certainly ordinary, for a while now all of us have been totally living in the present- the future scary- a huge, blank unknown, we don’t have any future anchors to pull us away from our present thoughts and feelings, holidays no longer booked, scheduled visits to friends out the window and unreachable, so it makes sense that the present is expanding, tasks are expanding to fill the present.

It makes sense that diets have rapidly departed with no, beach body pressure or even if we will have a working body. Sometimes it is really important to let go and know that some things are circumstantial, and it is really important to give ourselves a break, a mental break from all the nagging voices.

So if you are at home and bullying yourself for last night’s glass(es) of wine or binge-bar of chocolate, just for the moment say bollocks to the voice, because you are doing THE most important thing, you are SURVIVING.

So future plan when your future becomes clearer and while you are busy surviving, treat yourself to a big helping of kindness…. In whatever shape or form that looks like, it won’t be long till the wheels get put back on.

I’ve popped a little youtube for a bit of background below…

Maslow’s Need’s Triangle.

Photo by Sophie Elvis on Unsplash