Tell anxiety to, “F@*k Right Off ” with Hypnotherapy, and if you can’t do it with Hypnotherapy, do it yourself.

Remember that saying, “The devil makes work for idle hands.” - The same goes for idle minds.

Ok so, you wake up one day and you’re anxious.

What do you do?

It might be that it doesn’t happen first thing, it may be that it hits you suddenly in the shower (not uncommon), but nonetheless, it wasn’t there before but now it’s in every cell, just waiting for the quiet moments to kick in.

In most cases we can wait for the surge of anxiety to pass and most of the time it does.

Our rational mind concludes that we haven’t slept properly or haven’t been eating properly or are downright understandably anxious, after all, most intelligent folk are suffering from the BREXIT fallout and those future times of uncertainty. Now, on top of that, we are dealing with a strange and complicated present, who knows what is certain with going back out into society, who knows what the future and even present impact of Coronavirus is? We have been living our lives with regularity and relative ease and then, “Bam!” out of the blue comes a virus that locks-in The world

- Who knows what else could happen?

When we consider that, quite probably, the world as we have known it will change for all of us, maybe in a small or huge way. Is it a surprise that we feel anxiety tugging on what underpins us? Our safety, and our security; long gone is expecting that things will be, in the main, predictable and therefore comfortable, suddenly this thing has happened that questions EVERYTHING. -Not just for one of us, but for the whole world!

Life (predictably) probably won’t be predictable for little while longer, so how do we manage it?

A couple of helpful insights to kick into action would be;

Digging deep - looking at how we deal with things at our best, and incorporating the new ways gently and easily.

  • Who am I when I am being successful?

  • What do I do differently?

Some of the basics have been lost over lock down, because they are easily lost (as we are great at adapting).

Perhaps the basics are actually some things that we do resonate with success and power, and while hypnotherapy can address the associations long-term, in the meanwhile we can work to feeling successful and tapping in to our power associations.

Do I dress to impress anymore? Do I wake up early? Do I catch up with my friends enough? and most importantly, am I washing, brushing my teeth / shaving and actually getting out and getting my heart rate up?

We are all victims of society at present, and we can choose how we want to be, knowing that.

Do we want to be submissive and withdraw into a weakened position where we allow the fear to take control? Or do we want to be able to stand up to our anxiety, and tell it to, “F@*k right off”?

Society will be this way for a while and of course, we are human and likely to feel our fear in quiet times BUT we ARE human and we are awesome at adapting, so let’s crack on with positive adapting!

Are we a ‘doer’? If so, we need a project to ‘do’. A thinker? We need a project to think about- be those projects creative or educational, we live for action. If we haven’t got a project that satisfies ‘all’ of us, find one, change what we are doing.

There is little we can do in the face of uncertainty and unpredictability, especially when work identities have changed and life identities altered, so the only control we have is being in the present and working on ourselves, right here, right now.

So why not move beyond that fear layer and tap in to our strengths and develop an attitude that fits us best, use our life skills- we have got to this point with all of our qualities, let’s use them to move forward.

Hypnotherapy can help with bringing out your warrior, why not give it a go?

Call: 07976629098
