Lockdown survivors


You know what?

Surviving lockdown is a thing.

We made it out the other end, and for that I am sure you (as well as I) are super grateful.


More and more I’m seeing distress everywhere.

I know I am one of the lucky ones who got to keep working through lockdown and I am super lucky and ever grateful that my friends and family weren’t as awfully impacted by the Coronavirus as some people, a lot of people.

Distress however is coming in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways.

Perhaps it is because we survived a global pandemic that there was always the anticipation of more …In the least, more than we had before.

However what we appear to have is more to give.

The UK is creaking, we all know that we cannot trust the Government any more, we cannot trust the news and the Pandemic has shown us that we are not to trust our neighbour. What and who can we trust? We are constantly bombarded by information, what science says, whose opinions matter, all the time leaving us questioning what is really true, who do we believe?

Many of us forged a life working from home, and as wonderful humans we are, we learnt to adapt only to be returned back to the office, with just as much work and meetings than ever before, but also a commute to swallow back up the spare time we once had.

In lockdown we all had the facility to save the ‘going out’ money and the return to society has offered the return to increased prices to meet increased costs - the world we have returned to is so very different to the world we left behind.

It’s impacting us all.

If you feel you haven’t got a grasp on your time, your money or your happiness, if it helps; it’s happening to a lot of us, we are all grappling with the disappointment of the times and the people in these times.

What can we do to help these feelings?

DELETE DELETE DELETE unhealthy social media

Whether it is removing the account entirely or whether it is having a cleanse of the toxic people and/or posts…Yes, even if that’s family or friends, it’ll take a while to adjust but, your world will be better off eventually.

Rather than scroll, deep dive into a podcast, give your eyes a rest from the constant bombarding of information.

Change your Watsapp settings, you don’t need to know when someone was last online, and they don’t need to know the same about you.

Take the baby steps to freedom.
